This page contain important questions and answers of web technologies such as Long answers as well as short answers also so, make sure you visit both the pdf respectively... 

  1. Explain the steps involved in connecting MYSQL database from PHP.Write example of PHP?
  2. Explain the process of Reading data from web form controls like text boxes,radio buttons, and lists?
  3. Discuss the PHP file handling in details with example
  4. Create a PHP form to accept user id and password with necessary validation
  5. Explain about various type of XML parser
  6. How is XML define? write down XML syntax and structure rule. what is DTD discuss its application.
  7. What is XML schema? States it's purpose and  list it's advantages over DTD.
  8. Explain with suitable examples the difference between get request and post request  types in servlet.
  9. Elaborate the common gateway interface (CGI)  and its important
  10. Explain the life cycle of tablet with  sketch 

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Short 2marks 👇👇
  1. Explain types of array in PHP and  declares arrays in PHP.
  2. What is session tracking? explain
  3. What is the purpose of using cookies? how they are created.
  4. How to declare a string in PHP? list various string function in PHP.
  5. What are the attribute and elements in XML
  6. Differentiate between XHTML and XML
  7. What is DTD? Distinguish between internal and external DTD.
  8. Describe XML schema 
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